
Værktøjer til at styre din Minecraft-server

Man kan styre sin server direkte inde i Minecraft, når man er inde som spiller. Men det er ikke alle funktioner, som man har adgang til, når man er inde i spillet. Derfor kan man også bruge consollen. Men det er ikke helt muligt med en Minecraft-installation på en Synology DiskStation. Derfor kan man bruge et program eller en hjemmeside til at styre serveren med. Her er nogle forskellige værktøjer:







Simple step by step guide to getting Root Access on a Synology DiskStation

Since DSM 6.0 Synology removed the root access. Actually they only changed the password to ” (nothing).

But if you follow this simple guide, you will get root access to your Synology Disk Station again.

  1. Login using Putty (Find it here) with your administrator account (usually “admin”)
  2. Enter the local IP of your Synology Diskstation into Putty. (In my case, created for this guide, the IP is
  3. You will be asked for a password. (Enter the one for this administrator account. You can not see the password, when you enter it. But it is being entered.)
  4. You will get a command prompt (like in the picture above admin@…)
  5. Enter: sudo su –
  6. You will be asked for a password. (Enter again the one for the administrator account)
  7. You will get a command prompt that says root@…
  8. Enter command: synouser –setpw root your_new_root_password    (change the italic text to be your own root password)

Now your root account has a password, and can be used in e.g. WinScp.



Hidkalde Zombie med mere health i Minecraft

I dag fandt jeg følgende kommando til Minecraft. Med den kan man indsætte/hidkalde en zombie, som har mere health. Man kan selv bestemme, hvor meget health ved at ændre på det sidste tal i kommandoen.

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {AbsorptionAmount:100}


Køb/Salg via skilte i Minecraft og kommandoer til at lave celler

Når man skal lave en celle med AreaShop til Minecraft, så kan man


Så får man en træøkse. Tryk 2 steder, hvor du vil have din celle. Forestil dig, at du laver en usynlig kasse. Venstreklik det ene sted og højreklik det andet sted.

Nu er du klar til at lave den region, hvor cellen skal være.


Nu skal du lave et skilt og skrive følgende på det.



Se flere signs her



Permissions til signs i Essentials

- essentials.signs.create.trade
- essentials.signs.break.protection
- essentials.signs.break.trade
- essentials.signs.use.balance
- essentials.signs.use.buy
- essentials.signs.use.disposal
- essentials.signs.use.enchant
- essentials.signs.use.free
- essentials.signs.use.gamemode
- essentials.signs.use.heal
- essentials.signs.use.info
- essentials.signs.use.kit
- essentials.signs.use.mail
- essentials.signs.use.protection
- essentials.signs.use.repair
- essentials.signs.use.sell
- essentials.signs.use.time
- essentials.signs.use.trade
- essentials.signs.use.warp
- essentials.signs.use.weather


Prison-server og ny MOTD

Har netop opdateret serveren til  at være en prison-server. Der er nu kommet nyt map, som vi er ved at lave på. Har desuden fundet et nyt værktøj til at lave MOTD på serveren.



Link til, hvordan serverens MOTD ser ud nu.



Synology DSM 6.0 Root Access



Simple step by step guide to getting Root Access on a Synology DiskStation

I’ve read this article, and decided to save the text – just to be sure.


What I did was this:

Getting root access to the Synology after the DSM 6.0 update is solved by doing this.

If you get the WinScp, then you alse get the PuTTY and PuTTYgen.

I’ve used the Config File Editor as explained.

Afterwards I logged into WinScp and used the private key under Advanced–SSH—Authentication.

You’ve of course chosen a very difficult admin/root password for your Synology diskstation – but now everytime you want to connect with Putty you need to type in that long chain of characters, numbers and symbols.

Why not use a a keypair?

    1. Download PuTTY and PuTTYgen (or just get the installer, everything is in there) from here.
    2. Generate a keypair with PuTTYgen (Parameters: SSH-2 RSA)
    3. Save the private key as “myprivatekey.ppk”
    4. Copy the public key to the clipboard. Looks somewhat like this:
      ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAzP4MR3lkCD2pa7nwT3NMjjDBMmEuJ4exW4GKBBP+okArZ/IrjbLIpdh8ahpfgjh8kM//OVUGeRa1GigzcCuGzIa2YfS7L4Q9cbUUWFwIu2hGV3ZpJ2xDZExaaLH90Vw+ZBaozD2OI4FZ1Dqh8Bj29SQqIIbmxf/ASyTmXHZCbQk= rsa-key-20130414
    5. Connect to your diskstation with PuTTY
    6. Login as root
    7. Edit the SSH config with
      vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    8. Look for the following lines
      #RSAAuthentication yes
      #PubkeyAuthentication yes
      #AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys
    9. Change them to this (by hitting “x” when the cursor is over the # and hitting ESC, then typing :wq ENTER)
      #RSAAuthentication yes
      PubkeyAuthentication yes
      AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys
    10. Go to /root and create the .ssh folder
      cd /root
      mkdir .ssh
    11. Edit the keyfile
      vi /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    12. Press “i”
    13. Paste your public key (by right clickking on your mouse) and save the file (Hit Esc, type :wq, hit Enter)
      ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAzP4MR3lkCD2pa7nwT3NMjjDBMmEuJ4exW4GKBBP+okArZ/IrjbLIpdh8ahpfgjh8kM//OVUGeRa1GigzcCuGzIa2YfS7L4Q9cbUUWFwIu2hGV3ZpJ2xDZExaaLH90Vw+ZBaozD2OI4FZ1Dqh8Bj29SQqIIbmxf/ASyTmXHZCbQk= rsa-key-20130414
    14. Set the access-rights to the file
      chmod 700 /root/.ssh
      chmod 644 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    15. Disconnect with
    16. Open Putty again and make the following settings

      Hostname: or
      Port: 22
      Connection type: SSH
      Connection->Data->Auto-login username: root
      Connection->SSH->Auth->Private Key: Your Keyfile
      And save the session as <sessionname>
    17. Create a new shortcut on your desktop with the following target
      "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" -load "sessionname"
    18. Finished. From now on you can connect by double-clicking.

Written with information from Chainsaw on a Tire Swing


chmod /etc/sudoers to 0640 and locked myself out of DSM 6.0 – SOLVED/SOLOUTION!

If you, like I also did, locked yourself out like in this thread:


I got this error:

sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin


I do not support and can not be held responsible for any damage this would do to your device. I only state that it worked for me.



Now I explain what worked for me.

Install Config FIle Editor package in your DSM-package center. It can be found here.


Now you can use Config File Editor to edit your versionnumber and do a downgrade.


First add this line to the config file editor


Close down the Config File Editor and open it again. Choose version in the drop down.


Change buildnumber to eg 7100.

Now you can do a manual downgrade to beta 1 – this gives you your root access back (find the update icon in control panel and do a manual installation af the DSM 6.0 beta 1)

Find your DSM 6.0 Beta 1 here:



It bricked my Synology. Now I was not able to access my DSM.



But I still/now could login with my root login and pass through SSH.

So login to your NAS with your normal root login and password. (I use PuTTY as explained here – use ssh and type the local ip to your NAS).

Change sudoers chmod to 0440 in the etc-folder

cd etc
chmod 0440 sudoers

Thereafter you are able to upgrade from command line with this command, that I found here.

Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Synology Inc. All rights reserved.


update I used synoupgrade –auto (that worked, 10-15 min. later it was updated and accessible again)

It did display some errors, but ended up with


Then it restarted and voila – it works.

Hope it workes for you to.




Synology DSM 6.0 Root Access for andre brugere

Jeg har netop opdateret den server, hvorpå Minecraft-serveren ligger. Det betyder desværre, at jeg nu har mistet root-adgang.
Dermed kan jeg ikke, kun med en administrator-bruger, slette, tilføje eller overskrive filer på serveren.

Jeg skriver herunder, hvad jeg har gjort for at ændre dette.




Følgende virker:

Jeg har slået SSH til i DSM under Terminal.

Jeg har brugt PUTTY til at logge ind med:

Skriv serverens adresse og port. (Fx Ip og port 22 (bare et eksempel))

Log ind på serveren via PuTTY.

Skriv bruger og kodeord (brugeren skal være administrator)

Derefter skrives

sudo -s

Skriv password og skriv derefter

su -

Nu er du root.

Du skal ændre 2 filer.

gå ind i etc

cd etc
chmod 0666 group
chmod 0666 passwd
vi group

Nu skal du skrive admin-brugerens navn ved root (tryk på i for at indsætte, escape bagefter og skriv :wq – Dermed gemmes filen)

vi passwd

Nu skal du skrive  (tryk på i for at indsætte, escape bagefter og skriv :wq – Dermed gemmes filen)


Husk at ændre rettighederne tilbage igen:

chmod 0644 group
chmod 0644 passwd

Hvis det ikke virker, så genstart og brug også følgende kommando:

chown -R adminbrugerensnavn:users biblioteketsnavn

Derefter kan man med fordel bruge programmet WinScp:







Holografisk tekst på serveren

Der er nu kommet holografisk tekst på serveren.




/hd list

/hd create v1 {animation:ani.txt} Velkommen

/hd addline v1 {animation:ani.txt} til

/hd addline v1 {animation:ani.txt} serveren.


/hd delete v1


Alle kommandoer

/hologram (or /hd)
Main command of the plugin. Shows info about it, the version and the developer.

/hd help
Shows the main commands of the plugin, hovering on the commands will show help for each one.

/hd create <hologramName>
Creates a new hologram with the given name at your location. This name is used in the other commands.

/hd delete <hologramName>
Deletes a hologram.

/hd list [page]
Lists all the existing holograms and their locations.

/hd near <radius>
Lists all the near holograms in the given radius.

/hd teleport <hologramName>
Teleports you to the hologram.

/hd align <x|y|z|xz> <hologramToAlign> <referenceHologram>
Aligns the first hologram to the second in the given axis. For example, "y" aligns two holograms vertically, moving them to the same height, "xy" horizontally, moving them to the same x/z position.

/hd movehere <hologramName>
Moves a hologram to your feet.

/hd edit <hologramName>
Shows the command to modify an existing hologram.

/hd addline <hologramName> <text>
Adds a line of text to a hologram. Use {empty} as text to make an empty line.

/hd removeline <hologramName> <number>
Removes the <number> line (from top to bottom).

/hd setline <hologramName> <number> <newText>
Changes the <number> line (from top to bottom). Use {empty} as newText to make an empty line.

/hd insertline <hologramName> <number> <text>
Inserts a line after the <number> line (from top to bottom). If 0, it will be added before the first line. Use {empty} as text to make an empty line.

/hd info <hologramName>
Prints the content of a hologram with line numbers.

/hd readtext <hologramName> <fileWithExtension>
Reads the lines from a text file. Create a file (for example logo.txt) and put it into the plugin's folder. Create a new hologram (for example named 'test') and then do /hd readlines test logo.txt to paste the text file's lines into the hologram.

/hd copy <hologramToCopy> <intoHologram>
Copies the content of the first hologram into the second one. After the command, they will be identical.






Sådan ændrer du rettigheder/permissions for hele verdenen i Minecraft

Jeg faldt over følgende:

With worldguard installed for starters. From what I understand, sometimes with worldguard under the regions config file you may or may not have a __global__ region by default. I feel I had messed up my __global__ region settings that I had had, so I simply deleted the entire __global__ region text from my world regions file. Then I logged into minecraft as op and typed the following. /region flag __global__ build none This sets the global region build settings to none. To me, this is similar to deny except it doesn’t override all subsequent settings as deny does. So now, anyone in minecraft that isn’t standing in a region that has been created specifically for them, cannot build. Then to allow certain members to build in global, simply use the addmember command… ie. /region addmember __global__ exampleuser or you can add approved groups…. /region addmember __global__ g:examplegroup”

På følgende link:


Det betyder, at man markérer hele den globale verden vha.

/region flag __global__ build none

Derefter kan man tilføje brugere/brugergrupper til denne region vha.:

/region addmember __global__ g:examplegroup”

Man kan læse mere om worldguard:
